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Connect the comfort of concierge doctor and medical service at Meditore Healthcare

Meditore Healthcare’s vision is to provide access the medical science and technology advancement in the healthcare sector, enabling humanity a holistic and world-class concierge medicine services with its optimum reliability, precision, and highly result-oriented treatments to achieve cure.

Pandemics made countries on a war foot; unpreparedness and poor structure of healthcare system in countries cost economy and lives, which made developed and under-developed countries to put the world in lockdown and taking preventive measures.

Further, patient with other illness, who required specialized treatment other than COVID19 suffers a lot and sometimes ignorance towards the severity of illness also cost lives.

Proactive medical readiness emerge as a key imperative.

Meditore Healthcare is a comprehensive health provider, enabling concierge medical services, elective surgeries, and advanced treatments at its healthcare units, associated elite hospitals, and top doctors in India.

Meditore Healthcare’s mission statement #Confusion to CURE is a handpicked journey from illness to cure is fulfilled by the sophisticated system in place with accreditation from an authority,  creating awareness, planning for treatment, availability of modern technologies, and specialist doctors at an affordable cost. Meditore Healthcare ensures hassle-free treatment, patient, alone can experience elite treatment and hospitality to till recovery, rest the formalities we take care of; Paperwork | Diagnostics | Sample Collection | Insurance and Portability | Medical Treatment Interest-Free Loan – Airport Concierge | Boarding and Lodging   |   Claim Settlement   |   offboarding to onboarding | Health Follow Up and all at standard affordable package

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